On this day, 30th of June2018, the school had her 21st graduation ceremony. It started with a thanksgiving mass to officially mark the end of a successful academic year. The ceremony proper was graced by notable dignitaries. Highlights of the event includes the official send forth of our P.T.A chairman Mr. Thaddeus Nneji-Ibekwe who had served the school since 2010. It also featured the presentation of gifts to outstanding individuals who had served in different capacities towards the growth of this academic institution.There was also the lighting of candles and presentation of gifts to outgoing students.
Our utmost appreciation goes to the almighty God who is the epitome and reference point of all success, the school manager Rev. Fr. Dominic Mbomson (OP), the management and staff of the school, our notable alumni, wonderful students as well as friends and well wishers worked tirelessly to make the occasion worthwhile.
Below are photo excerpts
Group photo

Management, Staff and Graduating Students

Group Photo