Attached herein is an audio tutorial on Igbo Language for Jss 2. Play Here
Read MoreSujet__le français Titre__l’article défini Classe Jss1 L’article défini est une article qui est spécifique ou certaine(it is specific or certain when describing them) Examples de l’article défini sont: Le, la, l’ ,les_the Le, la, l'(singulier) Les(pluriel) Le__(masculin) La__(féminin) L’__(masculin, féminin avec voyelles_aeiouhy) Les mots avec l’article défini: Le stylo, le chien, le garçon, le sac.…
Read MoreSujet: Le français Titre: L’article preposition Week 2 L’article preposition est le mot qui est utilisé pour décrire l’emplacement de personne ou chose.(it is a word which is used to describe location of a person or thing). LES EXAMPLES DE L’ARTICLE PREPOSITION: au, à la, à l’ ,aux __(at the/to the) au, à la, …
Read MoreAttached herein is an audio tutorial on Igbo Language for Jss 2. Play Here
Read MoreAttached herein is an audio tutorial on Igbo Language for Jss 1 Play Here
Read MoreASỤSỤ IGBO ISI OKWU:AGỤMAGỤ E DERE EDE JSS2. Agụmagụ e dere ede so na otu ngalaba agụmagụ lgbo. Agụmagụ e dere ede bụ agụmagụ di iche iche e depụtara na akwụkwọ. ọ bụ mgbe agụmakwụkwọ biara n’ala lgbo ka e bidoro ide agụmagụ e dere ede. Agụmagụ e dere ede bụ nke di n’akwụkwọ nke…
Read MoreISIOKWU:NZISAOZI ỌDỊNAAIA (COMMUNICATION) (JSS1) GỊNỊ BỤ IZISAOZI? Nzisaozi bụ ụzọ mmadụ na ibe ya si ezikọrịta onwe ha ozi. Nke a na-apụtakarịcha ihe mgbe ndị na apkarịta ụka na anọghị onwe ha nso. NKENỤỤDỊ NZISAOZI DỊ ICHE ICHE E nwere ụdi nzisaozi abụọ Ha bụ: Ozi ọdịnaala( Traditional means of communication) b.Ozi ugbua(Modern means …
Read MoreSS2 CIVIC EDUCATION LESSON TOPIC: IMPORTANCE OF RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD The importance of Responsible Parenthood include the following, 1) Responsible citizenry 2) Selfless service 3) sanctity of life and the human persons 4) Reduction of crime 5) Healthy nation 6) Social interaction and friendship among nations of the world. CONSEQUENCES OF IRRESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD When parents neglect…
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