Week 3. Unit 1
What is covenant? It is an agreement or a bond between two parties with specific terms for each party to keep and obey.
The birth of Isaac– Gen 21:1-18.
Abraham persisted in his faith and trust on God and his promises. At the appointed time, God fulfilled his promises to Abraham. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son.
Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah 90 years old, when a son was born to them. Abraham called his name Isaac meaning Laughter.

Abraham Demonstrates His Obedience To God—- Gen 22:1-18
Isaac, as the only child and son of their old age was greatly loved by Abraham and Sarah. Isaac was the covenant child and heir of all the covenant promises.
God Tested Abraham’s Obedience: God’s first test was for Abraham to leave his country and his people which he obeyed. This time, God instructed Abraham to take his son, his only son, Isaac, whom he loves and go to the land of Moriah and offer him as burnt offering. Which he did.

3 Thoughts to “JSS 1 C.R.S”

  1. Gbanite Kamsiyochukwu

    Sir please I did not see Jss2 CRK note here in the website

    1. allsaintssecschool

      Go to “search” and type “JSS 1” you’ll see all the posts on Jss 1

    2. allsaintssecschool

      Go to “search” and type “JSS 2” YOU’LL see everything on JSS 2

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