Movement is the action of changing the distance between two points with respect (regard) to time interval. Movement must be made during sporting activities, especially those that are done outdoors such as soccer, jump, throws, baseball, golf, wrestling, dancing, running, etc.Movement involves the entire body because it must be coordinated from the brain. The organs used in movement include legs and hands.

Effects of movement

  1. It helps to exercise the entire body of an individual.
  2. It provides the momentum (propulsive force) for carrying out any physical activity in sports.
  3. It helps to provide a means of measuring the speed at which an activity is taking place.
  4. It is used to overcome the lapse (distance) between two points. Fundamental Rhythmic Movement include running, walking, jumping, leaping and hopping. A combination of the above gives skipping, sliding and galloping.


  1. Locomotors activities are those that involve the changing of the position from one point to another in time intervals. They are also called linear activities, and include walking, running, skipping, jumping hopping leaping, and the combined activities of sliding, galloping, etc.
  2. Non locomotors activities are those that do not involve the action of movement from one point to another, but can allow the handling of the body in ways that allow stationary position. They can be called axial movement activities. Examples are bending, stretching, twisting, shaking, reaching, etc.
  3. Manipulative activities involve the movement of parts of the body at a particular time, for example swerving, leaning, nodding, etc.


  1. Mention and explain the types of movement activities.
  2. Outline 4 effects of movement activities.

To be submitted by 24/7/20, at the school’s security post

Download Document Here: PHE JS1 NOTES  (MOVEMENT)

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