Literature In English for JSS1 Prose Text Analysis Plot Analysis The Saint by Tade Adegbindin Analysis by The play reveals; 🔹The level of deception that can be hidden in the hearts of men 🔹Clash of religious practices in relation to the mind set, attitude and general life style of the people involved. Baba Agba ,…
Read MoreFoods and nut assignment for ss2. State five reasons why infants need adequate nutrition
Read MoreNow, look at the following sentences, write ‘V’ against the ones that are vivid descriptions, and ‘NV’ against those that are not. 1.I have always dreamt of going for a picnic. 2.I have always dreamt of going for a wonderful picnic. 3.Picnickers eat a meal in a place. 4.Picnickers eat a meal in a beautiful…
Read MoreSubject:English Language Topic:Vocabulay Development Class:SS2 Words Associated with Sports What is a sport:Â Â A sport is an activity that is competitive, it requires some particular set of skills and physical abilities to be carried out. It is also an activity that involves physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules…
Read MoreSubject: business studies Class: jss2 Topic: Market     Meaning: market is a place where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services. The place could be in a field, room, roadside but there must be buyers and sellers for a market situation to take place. Marketing of goods can only take place when buyers…
Read MoreTOPIC: DIVISIONS OF COMMERCE  TRADE        What is Trade? Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services. Without trade, there will be no exchange. Companies produce goods wof trade. Types of trade      There are two types of trade namely, home trade and foreign trade. HOME TRADE:     Home Trade is…
Read MoreSS2 SCHEME OF WORK FOR ECONOMICS THIRD (3rd) TERM. 1.Elementary Treatment of Utility Theory 2. Money -Demand for and Supply of Money 3.Money – inflation and Deflation 4. Agriculture 5. Elements of National Income Accounting 6. Balanced and Unbalanced Budget 7. Types of Financial Institutions and Their Functions 8. Elementary Treatment of Fiscal Policy. …
Read MoreSS1 SCHEME OF WORK FOR ECONOMICS. THIRD (3rd)TERM. Labour Market Channels of Distribution Agriculture Mining The nature of the Nigerian Economy Money -meaning, characteristics and functions Financial Institutions Instruments of Business Finance Concepts of Demand and Supply. NOTE OF LESSON Week 1 Topic : Labour Market. Content: (a) Meaning of Labour Market. (b) Meaning…
Read MoreTHIRD TERM SCHEME OF WORK ON FRENCH FOR JSS TWO (1) L’article partitif. (2) L’article preposition. (3) Les saisons en France et au Nige’ria. (4)Les conjugaisons du verbes “savoir,connaître,écrire,et vouloir (au present) (5)Mon programme pour demain (La comprehension)Leçon 8, page 37. (6) pronom relatif (La forme simple) (7)pronom relatif (La forme composé). (8)Bola rentre du…
Read MoreSujet_ Le français Titre_L”article indefini L’article est un Pe’tit mot place’ devant le nom.(Article is a small word placed infront of a noun). IL ya deux type de l’article,il sont: (1) L’article indefini (2) L’article defini. Exemples de l’article indefini sont: Un,une, des. Un, une=(a, an)singulier Des=(some)pluriel Un=c’est pour les noms masculin. Une=c’est pour les…
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